21 Most Creatively Naughty Signs

Some of these require a double take!

1. Technically, this is correct and what I would expect from these services …

2. Challenge accepted.

3. Telling it like it is although for some, whiskey may be more appropriate …

4. Wow.

5. And a Drive Thru on top of all that …

6. Just the way I like my shafts and balls. Wait what are we even talking about here again?

7. Because let’s be honest, most people would include a 30 percent inflated mark-up anyways …

8. Edumacation …

9. Love that they have t-shirts also. They know a market when they see one.

10. Taking teabagging to another level …

11. Speaking of …

12. I am noticing a theme here and it ain’t pretty.

13. At least he had the decency to cover himself up.

14. What could go wrong?

15. Sometimes, third party intervention is just necessary …

16. And this will scare that cat straight about catnip.

17. Time to party.

18. Perfect place to take someone on a first date …

19. OK, we’re turning the car around right now kids.

20. Simple. Direct. And Effective.

BONUS # 21: Burger King, the ultimate troll.

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