20 Of The Most Creatively Naughty Signs That Might Just Get You to Stop On In

Which one of these would get your attention and business?

1. Technically, this is correct and what I would expect from these services …

2. Challenge accepted.

3. Telling it like it is although for some, whiskey may be more appropriate …

4. Wow.

5. And a Drive Thru on top of all that …

6. Just the way I like my shafts and balls. Wait what are we even talking about here again?

7. Because let’s be honest, most people would include a 30 percent inflated mark-up anyways …

8. Edumacation …

9. Love that they have t-shirts also. They know a market when they see one.

10. Taking teabagging to another level …

11. Speaking of …

12. I am noticing a theme here and it ain’t pretty.

13. At least he had the decency to cover himself up.

14. What could go wrong?

15. Sometimes, third party intervention is just necessary …

16. And this will scare that cat straight about catnip.

17. Time to party.

18. Perfect place to take someone on a first date …

19. OK, we’re turning the car around right now kids.

20. Simple. Direct. And Effective.

BONUS: Burger King, the ultimate troll.

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